Cartoon Consultant Calendar

Up here in the New Hampshire deep freeze, we are looking forward to spring (yes, all ready) and the first outdoor barbecue. If you're a cartoonist, while you are flipping those first burgers of Spring 2008, and watching the tree buds unfurl as you breathe in the warm, rejuvenating air of the new growing season, your mind is going forward, the next cold, bitter winter season. Brr! Not pleasant, but you have to. You need to think up some fresh Christmas gags, some really funny Thanksgiving cartoons. Magazine cartoonists work months ahead. Playboy was, last year, buying Christmas cartoons in July.

From the always terrific Craig Yoe's Arflovers Blog comes The 1952 Cartoon Consultants Calendar by Jack Markow, which will keep you (even though it's January) focussed on May events (Mother's Day, hiking, renting a country place, yacht races, etc.). Now is the time to prep for those themes that editors will buy! And Craig will post more of the calendar on the first of every month!

Big hat tip to Craig for this. I've been to Craig's studio, I've seen Craig's collection and he could show us stuff every day on his blog until the end of time and there would still be a couple of closets full of just great, unique cartoony items to go! Thanks, Craig!

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