Did You Know Cartoonists Pennington and/or Roylance?

We need your help, particularly if you have knowledge of British cartooning between the wars. Read on:

The Warrington (UK) Guardian had two sports cartoonists in the 1930s: "Pennington" and Gordon Roylance. Did you ever hear of them or know someone who did?
"Their work will feature in a new book SO CLOSE TO GLORY by former Warrington Guardian journalists Eddie Fuller and Gary Slater and which will be published by London League Publications in March."
Mssrs. Fuller and Slater are trying to find out more about these two men. If you have any information, please go to this article When cartoons and caricatures were in their heyday from the January 3, 2008 Warrington Guardian.

Cartoon by Gordon Roylance from the January 8, 1934 edition of the Warrington Guardian.

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