Don't Name Your Comic Book Character "CLINT"

Hat tip to John Klossner! See you tomorrow, John!

The old story goes that there are certain words that are forbidden in comics. I mean, other than those 7 dirty words.

Chief among the forbidden words in the history of comics is the name "Clint."

This link is on a couple of sites. I'm not sure where the blog page is from, other than it's related to U. Penn., but it tells why the name "Clint" is not used. Ditto the word "flicks." I think you can see why above.

The panel above looks like a Simon and Kirby illustration. I think I first heard about this CLINT/FLICK stuff years ago from Archie artist Stan Goldberg (whose first job was in the Timely Comics' bullpen's offices in the Empire State Building assisting Carl Burgos -- so Stan should know). Never saw any examples before now.

- Originally posted by Mike Lynch March 29, 2006.

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