The Professional School of Cartooning 1947 UPDATED

From the pages of the Eli Stein Cartoons blog, comes scans of gag cartoonists and their cartoons. It's all from a brochure for The Professional School of Cartooning circa 1947, run by cartoonist/editor Lawrence Lariar.


"Lariar's smart, stylized cartoons are a model for many beginners, and his drawings of cute girls are familiar to all. He will criticize your drawings personally!"

Part of the fun is attaching faces to names like Henry Boltinoff, Ed Nofziger, George Wolfe, and Adolph Schus. (No good link found for Mr. Schus, unfortunately.)

Eli, thanks so much for bowing to pressure to scan more of this great old ephemera!

To the right, an ad (Is that a Lariar-drawn cute girl?) from an advertisement in Popular Mechanics Magazine (September 1948) from this page at the Modern Mechanix site.

Related: Eli Stein on the four cartoonist Roth brothers.

UPDATE: The one and only Orlando Busino passed along the below email with additional information on Adolph Schus. Thank you very much, Mr. Busino! Here's Orlando:

Here's a bio. from Lariar's book, BEST CARTOONS OF THE YEAR 1943 :
Born on New York's upper east side. . . lived in Wembly, a suburb of London, where he spent a good deal of his childhood. The zeppelin raids on London during the first world war, sent the family back to America. Except for a year on the continent, during which time he art-edited a publication published in Paris for Americans abroad. He has
been residing in New York. Married a Rochestarian in 1938 and their son was born in 1943. Just before the blessed event they bought a home in Harmon-on-the-Hudson, where Schus will continue to do cartoons for the country's leading magazines.

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