W.L. Evans Cartoon Course 1913

Good ol' Mark Anderson has some great toys. Toys that you and me would mercilessly kill each other for, should he make us fight to death to own them.

The nice thing is that he shares his toys. In this case, he shares a copy of the W. L. Evans' "Advantages in Cartoon and Caricature Work," a correspondence cartooning course from 1913.

"A good many people have an idea that it takes a person of phemominal [sic] mind to draw cartoons, that cartoonists are people of fine education, etc.


This, of course, explains why cartoonists squander their money on buying the Brooklyn Bridge, trading the family milk cow for the magic beans, and still believe they can make money on the Internets!

Thanks for sharing this, Mark!

Related: For assistance with your education, if you wanna be a cartoonist and are in school (regardless of your major), take a look at the Jay Kennedy Memorial Scholarship.

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