Cartoon Consultants Calendar for April

Hey! Here's that cool Cartoon Consultants Calendar for April over at Craig Yoe's blog. You can tell by his headline that I was nagging him to put it up on his blog by the title Cartoon Consultants Calendar for April, okay Mike Lynch? It's full of great ideas for gag cartoonists!

Here's Craig's description:

"From 1952 this was a guide for gag cartoonists and their writers. It’s set up four months in advance so it gives ideas to creators who can work on and submit ideas that will be printed down.. The calendar is illustrated by Jack Markow whose work I like a lot. I’ve included a little auto-bio thing he did in another publication put out by Cartoon Consultants. This is all fun to look at, but seeing it might actually have some practical use for the gag cartoonists out there still slugging it out. So, I will post a new page on the first day of each month for the rest of 2008."

Thanks, Craig!

In case you missed them:

Cartoonist Consultants Calendar for January

Cartoonist Consultants Calendar for February

Cartoonist Consultants Calendar for March

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