From the Dykes to Watch Out For blog:
"Lookit! I have a four page story in the latest Entertainment Weekly. It’s for their 1000th issue, whose theme is 'The New Classics.' The issue lists the 1000 best movies, tv shows, albums, books, and other cultural products of the last 25 years. My piece goes with the book section, and it’s about my experience of not being able to read books once someone tells me I have to. Umm..I don’t know if I’m allowed to put it online…"
EW allowed it. Bless 'em!

Alison Bechdel shares "Compulsory Reading," an Entertainment Weekly piece about her growing up with books and why she reads what she reads -- when she has the time!

Another h/t to the one and only Journalista! Thanks, Dirk!

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