Video: Lynn Johnston on the Future of FBOFW

Lynn Johnston talks about finally ending the new FOR BETTER OR FOR WORSE and then "beginning the strip again," in which she is drawing new old FBOFW strips in her "retro style." She's going back in time and starting the strip over; all redrawn, with "about 50% new material for the first year anyways."

Here's her explanation:

"I don't have a name for it but it's -- it's 'new run,' I think. It's not 'rerun' because everything is new. The drawing is new, the punchlines are new, everything is new. The only thing that is 'retro' is the way I'm drawing everything, because I want it to flow into the classic material seamlessly if I can and it's a challenge but I'm really enjoying it."

Video from Andrews McMeel:

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