A selection of wordless cartoons from GREAT CARTOONS OF THE WORLD Edited by John Bailey, copyright 1967 by Crown Publishers, New York, NY. This is the first book in what became a series of John Bailey-edited GREAT CARTOONS books.

The above cartoon by Larry made me laugh out loud. There are levels of meaning here.

I don't know who the cool dude is supposed to be, but the kid's expression is so great, that I get the context even though the fellow in the large thought balloon is not known. A bullseye by the French cartoonist Pierre Adebert.

Zacek draws a sad desert island gag.

Czech cartoonist Vladimir Rencin with what may be termed a political cartoon about war.

The Saturday Evening Post mainstay cartoonist Henry Syverson's dynamic pen line is so animated.

Gallagher's cartoons just blast forth with his animated line work.

Vahan Shirvanian made me laugh out loud at the above 4-panel gag. A veteran cartoonist, who is still producing cartoons for the American market from his home in New Jersey.

A great gag cartoon can make you think. Charles Martin's cartoon gives me cold comfort about health care. 40 years later, the writing still resonates.

Mordillo is one of those cartoonists who deserves to more popularly known in the States. Another desert island gag -- beautifully and joyously drawn.

Anatol Kovarsky plays on perception in this breezily drawn (no pun intended) 2-panel exercise.

And another Henry Syverson cartoon finishes up the sampling today. Which reminds me, I need to rake ....

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