Video: Bruce Blitz Interviews Mort Walker

Bruce Blitz interviews Mort Walker in his Cartoon Museum. So, since the cartoon museum is no longer around, and Bruce mentions that BEETLE BAILEY is 50 years old (it began September 4, 1950), my guess is that this 6 minute bit of video is about ten years old.

Some great conversation here. Did you know that each character in the strip has a certain day? I didn't.

"Beetle's always on Monday; the side characters, like the dog [Otto] or the black character [Lt. Flap] are on Tuesday; Miss Buxley's always on Wednesday .... and it goes on down the line. They have their days."

Mort draws and talks about the process of producing the long running comic strip.

And here's a 2008 video via the Wall Street Journal of Mort talking about being a cartoonist. He talks about the Cartoon Museum as he prepares to send on his collection to OSU's Cartoon Library and Museum.

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